Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stress and sex

It is widely appreciated in the field of sexual health that stress is one of the most influential aspects on sexual performance.
Stress can often be the root cause for reduced libido and its resulting difficulties, including impotence and premature coming/ejaculation .
Tackle stress, and you could solve (or at least reduce) some of these issues.
One of the most popular ways to tackle the issue of stress, when it comes to sex, is to slow it down.
Slower sex can help to relieve any tension that you have been feeling, allowing you to also focus on deep breathing – which, in itself, can help to challenge the issue of premature coming/ejaculation and impotence.
See, it is the tension in your muscles which accompanies stress which leads to premature coming/ejaculation and balky erections.
Relax your muscles, and you tackle one of the biggest causes to these problems.
Another good tip for reducing stress in the bedroom is to have a change of scenery or experience. Try unusual positions or book you and your partner into a hotel for the night to experience some romantic passion in different surroundings.
Not only does changing things around a little help to spice up your sex life and keep things interesting, there are actual psychological studies that show a change of scenery or position during sex can help to remove the regular things that can subconsciously remind you of the stresses in life.
Vacations are excellent opportunities to exercise this concept and enjoy some stress-free romance in a different environment. 
Contrary to many people’s opinions with regards to a change in sexual scenery and position, it is not just a temporary solution. There is evidence to suggest that jump-starting your libido in this manner can create a momentum that is carried over into the bedroom, whilst performing the ‘usual’ positions. 
It is also a good idea to take a look at challenging the root causes of stress outside of the bedroom, such as work or family issues. If you can eliminate or reduce these causes of stress, you won’t have to put as much effort into switching off from them when you are in the bedroom. 
Don’t put up with your sexual problems, eliminate them. Get in touch today.

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